Transforming Brand Identity and Elevating Market Position for Amber Therapeutics

Amber Therapeutics, a London-based medical device company specializing in adaptive neuromodulation therapy for mixed urinary incontinence (MUI), approached us for a complete rebranding. Founded in 2021, the company was preparing for a significant market presence and required a new visual aesthetic and messaging to reflect their cutting-edge technology and innovative approach. Additionally, they needed a compelling pitch deck for an upcoming Series A funding round.
Amber Therapeutics
Brand Identity, Web Design
Transforming Brand Identity and Elevating Market Position for Amber Therapeutics


We undertook a comprehensive rebranding process, starting with the development of a modernized logo and a cohesive visual identity that encapsulated Amber Therapeutics' bioelectrical stimulation approach. The new logo featured a gradient along the stroke, symbolizing electrical pulses, and was designed for versatility across various mediums.

Our team presented multiple brand concept options, eventually finalizing a dynamic and sophisticated brand identity that included:

  • A new logo with hero, landscape, and small variants for flexibility.
  • A vibrant color palette consisting of Teal, Cyan, Amber, Cool Silver, Graphite Black, and Pure White, designed to reflect innovation and energy.
  • The implementation of Work Sans typography to ensure readability and a professional yet inviting appearance.

Following the branding phase, we designed a new website that embodied the updated brand identity, providing an engaging and informative user experience. We also created a high-impact pitch deck that highlighted Amber Therapeutics' unique value proposition, leading to their successful fundraising efforts.


Fundraising Success: Amber Therapeutics raised £80m for their urinary incontinence treatment, marking one of the largest healthtech seed rounds ever.

Increased Visibility: The funding round was prominently covered in sector press, boosting Amber Therapeutics' profile within the medical technology industry.

Brand Recognition: The new brand identity was well-received, positioning Amber Therapeutics as a leader in innovative neuromodulation therapy.


Reflecting on our work with Amber Therapeutics, we are proud of the transformative impact our rebranding efforts had on their market positioning and fundraising success. The collaboration showcased our ability to deliver a cohesive and compelling brand identity that resonates with both investors and the target audience. Our strategic approach and attention to detail ensured that Amber Therapeutics' innovative spirit was effectively communicated, laying a strong foundation for their continued growth and success in the healthcare sector.